Privacy and Equality Regulation
Steeves, V. and Bailey, J. (2021). Submissions on Government of Canada’s Technical Paper re: Proposed Approach to Online Harms, Submission in response to the Government of Canada.
Steeves, V., and Bailey, J. (2021). Submission to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on The Right to Privacy Toward a Better Understanding of Privacy: Children’s Right to Privacy and Autonomy, Submission to the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy.
Steeves, V. (2020). Taking Online Rights Seriously: Ensuring Children’s Active Participation in Networked Spaces, Submission to the 5th/6th Review of Children’s Rights in Canada (Convention on the Rights of the Child).
Bailey, J., and Steeves, V. (2019). Submission to the Standing Committee on Justice & Human Rights Regarding Online Hate, Submission Concurred in by the Canadian Women’s Foundation.
Bailey, J. (2018). Abusive and Offensive Speech Online: An Overview of Canadian Legal Responses: Focusing on the Criminal Law Framework, Commissioned by the British Law Commission.
Bailey, J. & Fewer, D. (2018). R v Jarvis: Motion Record of Samuelson-Glushko, Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (Motion for Leave to Intervene), Submitted to the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, ON.
Bailey, J. (2017). Challenges related to preventing and countering cyber violence against women and girls. Paper presented to Global Affairs Canada, Ottawa, ON.
Bailey, J. (2017). Online reputation, privacy and young people: Lessons from Canadian research. Invited submission to the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics, Ottawa, ON.
Bailey, J., Steeves, V., & Dunn, S. (2017). Regulation of online violence and harassment against women. Invited submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, Ottawa, ON.
Steeves, V & Bailey, J. (2017). The eQuality Project. Presentation to the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Working Group Meeting. Iqaluit: NU.
Bailey, J. & Steeves, V. (2016). Submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women Relating to Violence Against Young Women and Girls in Canada.
Bailey, J., & Steeves, V. (2016). Big Data, social norms and discrimination: Lessons from The eGirls Project. Summary of research and policy recommendations prepared for Open Society Foundation, London, U.K.
Bailey, J., & Steeves, V. (2016). Online reputation, privacy and young people: Lessons from Canadian research. Paper submitted to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada in response to its Consultation and Call for Essays on Online Reputation.
Steeves, V. (2015). Young Canadians in a Wired World, phase III: Trends and recommendations. Ottawa: MediaSmarts.