2017 NBQB 60

In 2017 NBQB 60, a 26-year-old youth leader at a local church and high school teacher, Mr. H, pleaded guilty to the sexual exploitation of two teenage boys, Mr. B and Mr. A. Both boys confided in Mr. H that they were gay. After being privy to this information, Mr. H began texting the Mr. B about his sexual orientation and harassment at school. He later engaged in sexual behavior with both claimants, including kissing, fondling, mutual masturbation, oral sex, and anal sex, some of which was unwanted, after which Mr. H would have them join in joint prayer to ask for forgiveness.

These claimants were both at critical and fragile stages of their life and looked to Mr. H for support given his position in their lives. Mr. H was sentenced to 3.5 years.


Criminal Offence(s): Sexual Exploitation